'Either Side of the Pond'

He the American, She the Canadian, and He the Englander.
05.05 - a blog has been born! blog away folks! just visiting? how about you drop us a line in the guestbook? thanks!
|| Hook-Ups ||
*Chelsey's FCO 2004 Digital Photos*
Erica's view of Germany
Speaking Greg's Lingo
German/English Translations
Who's Jamie? not Oliver
|| the Asian Sensation ||
email erica
|| the American Aardvark ||
email erik
his blog
|| the British Bubah ||
email greg
|| facts ||
1.) If you don't know 'bubah'
then you don't know squat. BUBAH!

|| archive ||

Freitag, Juni 25, 2004

the JC trio takes their bow!

a lot more images to come! just hold yare horses!
erik - i'm still looking at your poster. i think i'm just going to send it raw and let you decide what you want to do with it. cheers. ;)
- in the words of erics* @ 11:10 PM | |
Mittwoch, Juni 23, 2004
Don't forget to sign the Roomate Request Form!

I've already got Andreanne and I covered.
- in the words of erics* @ 3:17 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2004
i got my FCO music today! yay!
there's no 'Mambo', but i'm sure the secular stuff will be good.

i've got things in the mail for you, so keep your eyes pealed for the mailman, or mailbox, or dog, or however your post gets directly sent to you. cheers!
- in the words of erics* @ 4:01 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juni 10, 2004
hey greg!

tell me everything you know about Yorkshire Pudding.
i was watching the end-segment of one of the cooking shows and a chef just popped out the end results of the pudding. i was sooo intrigued; it looked absolutely fabulous. so when i return from my cottage trip, i'll get right on it and have my attempts on producing the best Yorkshire pudding i know. but any tips? comments? suggestions? does it really have to be only served with meat dishes?
- in the words of erics* @ 6:49 PM | |
Dienstag, Juni 08, 2004
Hey you two!

I don't know if you noticed, but there's a wish list on the side for everyone. If things come to mind, jot it down and post any items you'd like others to bring - whether they're favours, gifts or even silly prank things. heh.. like that bobbing helmuth rilling, erik! although, i'm not sure if you actually own one of those. they're bloody expensive.

I'll likely bring a stash of special candy goods (hopefully it doesn't find its way to my mouth before it reaches yours) like the strange candy chinese people like to suck on, or those dried mangos i spoke to you about, greg, which are fantastic! hrm... can't really think of any traditional canadian trademarks other than our maple syrup, but that can get super messy in my luggage if something went wrong! :\ got any ideas? i'll hook it up.

erik - what's good in eugene? what do you have that canada doesn't? :p

greg - i sure hope you found those albums!
- in the words of erics* @ 11:27 PM | |

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