'Either Side of the Pond'

He the American, She the Canadian, and He the Englander.
05.05 - a blog has been born! blog away folks! just visiting? how about you drop us a line in the guestbook? thanks!
|| Hook-Ups ||
*Chelsey's FCO 2004 Digital Photos*
Erica's view of Germany
Speaking Greg's Lingo
German/English Translations
Who's Jamie? not Oliver
|| the Asian Sensation ||
email erica
|| the American Aardvark ||
email erik
his blog
|| the British Bubah ||
email greg
|| facts ||
1.) If you don't know 'bubah'
then you don't know squat. BUBAH!

|| archive ||

Freitag, Juli 30, 2004

holy bejeebers...
       only 15 days left!!
sadly, the only one left on the 'other side' - *sigh*

- in the words of erics* @ 3:06 AM | |
Sonntag, Juli 25, 2004

i'm still oozing of envy.
your europe adventures begins 3 weeks earlier than mine.

- in the words of erics* @ 10:07 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2004
30 days   left till FCO GERMANY!!
- in the words of erics* @ 12:43 PM | |
Freitag, Juli 09, 2004
hey boys,

man, it is ever so great to see recent posts from you both! miss you tons, especially while cruising south to Orlando, Florida with so much time to sit and think, and be nostalgic of good times in germany. i officially survived 46 hours on the road. yes, 46. 24 one way and 22 back home. you'd think i'd be too pooped right now to think of anything but sleeping, but with my father behind the wheel the entire trip, and me, with the luxury of taking kips in the new Nissan Altima (spacious seating!) the last thing i want to do is sleep... or be anywhere near a car, really.

to sum up my week in the states: it was incredibly relaxing. my aunt-friend hooked my family up with a sweeeeeet resort in Orlando that was mind-blowing. i couldn't believe the service and how big it was. (even my camera couldn't have done it justice - check the site; those pictures DO NOT lie - it really does look like that!) i took advantage of the fitness equipment and worked out like a madman, 2 hours/1200 calories a day, resulting in the loss of 10 pounds in the past two weeks; went buck at the shopping outlets with many shirts and shindigs to sweat it out while in the scorching heat in germany; screamed and pissed my pants off while riding the roller coasters at MGM Studios in Disney World; ate some FINE american fatty foods; and picked up a thick american accent while meeting the locals in various southern states. it was awesome. erik - i have a new found love for "Chick-Fil-A". i don't know if they exist in oregon, but good god! that's SOME chicken!

anyway, surely i thought of you guys and wanted to send postcards but left my book of addresses at home (duh!).

erik: i still have to send your package (your postal service went on strike, and then UPed the prices???). definitely expect something from me before you board that plane to Germany. ;)
greg: save your money on postal fares. just pack the CDs in your luggage so that when i see you in a mere 5 weeks, you can hand it to me then. but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. you are wonderful! i await with such anticipation to hear the CDS and more importantly, see you! (and of course, that goes for you too, ya big ole Aardvark. i can't wait to soak you in that Nair, dude... hah haha)

a very TANNED sensation,
- E
- in the words of erics* @ 5:13 PM | |

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