'Either Side of the Pond'

He the American, She the Canadian, and He the Englander.
05.05 - a blog has been born! blog away folks! just visiting? how about you drop us a line in the guestbook? thanks!
|| Hook-Ups ||
*Chelsey's FCO 2004 Digital Photos*
Erica's view of Germany
Speaking Greg's Lingo
German/English Translations
Who's Jamie? not Oliver
|| the Asian Sensation ||
email erica
|| the American Aardvark ||
email erik
his blog
|| the British Bubah ||
email greg
|| facts ||
1.) If you don't know 'bubah'
then you don't know squat. BUBAH!

|| archive ||

Montag, Januar 03, 2005

happy new year!

so dude, i was walking to school, waiting at a stoplight and who do i see across the street? YOU. a complete replica of YOU. i stopped to wave... but as the light changes and we get closer, the guy smiles, "Have we met?" he says (in one of the gayest high-pitched voice). eeeeeyah it wasn't you. what a fool i made of myself! we briefly chatted, couldn't talk much since it was right in the middle of the road and the lights were on the verge of changing... didn't give my name, nor did i ask. but i bet it wasn't erik. speaking of which, i don't think i could date a guy who's name is the root masculine form of my name.

anyway, forgive me. how could i mistaken the one and only HAIRY SEXY BEAST?

i've got great germany pictures to show you. i scanned only the good stuff first.. i don't exactly have time to scan all 300 images. gah.. it's time for a digital.

be good.
- in the words of erics* @ 7:15 PM | |

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