'Either Side of the Pond'

He the American, She the Canadian, and He the Englander.
05.05 - a blog has been born! blog away folks! just visiting? how about you drop us a line in the guestbook? thanks!
|| Hook-Ups ||
*Chelsey's FCO 2004 Digital Photos*
Erica's view of Germany
Speaking Greg's Lingo
German/English Translations
Who's Jamie? not Oliver
|| the Asian Sensation ||
email erica
|| the American Aardvark ||
email erik
his blog
|| the British Bubah ||
email greg
|| facts ||
1.) If you don't know 'bubah'
then you don't know squat. BUBAH!

|| archive ||

Dienstag, April 05, 2005

hey loves,
just checking in.
it's been a while since i've posted.

things are great in waterloo.
i'll be spending my summer here, and it'll be a real hoot.
plenty of old friends moving back here,
and i only have one course to take over the spring (may-july) period,
so you can count on me,
trying to maintain an alcohol tolerance,
that's at least half of what you fellas can handle.
(hey, cut the asian chick some slack. our blood wasn't meant for booze)

FCO audition went superb.
dare i say, the best it's ever been in the past 3 years.
but i don't know what i'm up against,
wouldn't be surprised if i didn't make it,
wouldn't be surprised if i did.
meh. it's all the same,
so it doesn't crush me too badly if i don't do another stuttgart spree at H&M.

so what's shaking on your side of the world?
speak soon,
- in the words of erics* @ 7:02 PM | |

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