'Either Side of the Pond'

He the American, She the Canadian, and He the Englander.
05.05 - a blog has been born! blog away folks! just visiting? how about you drop us a line in the guestbook? thanks!
|| Hook-Ups ||
*Chelsey's FCO 2004 Digital Photos*
Erica's view of Germany
Speaking Greg's Lingo
German/English Translations
Who's Jamie? not Oliver
|| the Asian Sensation ||
email erica
|| the American Aardvark ||
email erik
his blog
|| the British Bubah ||
email greg
|| facts ||
1.) If you don't know 'bubah'
then you don't know squat. BUBAH!

|| archive ||

Freitag, Juni 30, 2006

Well, I'll be damned.

I was *this* close to deleting this blog. But if the updates are annual, it's worth keeping. I'm sorry it's in such bad shape. I haven't really kept up the maintenance.

GREG! So good to hear from you!
I send my best for your big day in December. Winter Wedding; that will be beautiful.

Erik, it will be ruckus in the summer!
Good God, I'm so glad we're in this together again. Nice to see a familiar handsome face and I'm sure we'll be the talk of the town. BOOBAH! How's that German of yours?

I leave for Montreal (6 hour drive from Toronto) in about 30 minutes and I haven't finished packing. Hopefully I'll be able to bump into Matt Cassils. Remember him in '03? My, the time has flown by.
- in the words of erics* @ 12:14 PM | |
Dienstag, April 05, 2005
hey loves,
just checking in.
it's been a while since i've posted.

things are great in waterloo.
i'll be spending my summer here, and it'll be a real hoot.
plenty of old friends moving back here,
and i only have one course to take over the spring (may-july) period,
so you can count on me,
trying to maintain an alcohol tolerance,
that's at least half of what you fellas can handle.
(hey, cut the asian chick some slack. our blood wasn't meant for booze)

FCO audition went superb.
dare i say, the best it's ever been in the past 3 years.
but i don't know what i'm up against,
wouldn't be surprised if i didn't make it,
wouldn't be surprised if i did.
meh. it's all the same,
so it doesn't crush me too badly if i don't do another stuttgart spree at H&M.

so what's shaking on your side of the world?
speak soon,
- in the words of erics* @ 7:02 PM | |
Samstag, März 05, 2005

Good Maki Sushi

Drunken Memories at the Huether Hotel

Good god. I had the biggest hangover this morning. It was brutal. But totally worth it. Erik, it was great seeing you again. It was too short, but still glad you came up. Hopefully there will be a next time.

Greg. Wow... great to know you're still breathing. Hope things are going great for you in London. You are missed as well.

Ok. I need to sober up. Got a performance in less than 3 hours. yeah. how. screwed. am. i. :\
- in the words of erics* @ 5:06 PM | |
Montag, Januar 03, 2005
happy new year!

so dude, i was walking to school, waiting at a stoplight and who do i see across the street? YOU. a complete replica of YOU. i stopped to wave... but as the light changes and we get closer, the guy smiles, "Have we met?" he says (in one of the gayest high-pitched voice). eeeeeyah it wasn't you. what a fool i made of myself! we briefly chatted, couldn't talk much since it was right in the middle of the road and the lights were on the verge of changing... didn't give my name, nor did i ask. but i bet it wasn't erik. speaking of which, i don't think i could date a guy who's name is the root masculine form of my name.

anyway, forgive me. how could i mistaken the one and only HAIRY SEXY BEAST?

i've got great germany pictures to show you. i scanned only the good stuff first.. i don't exactly have time to scan all 300 images. gah.. it's time for a digital.

be good.
- in the words of erics* @ 7:15 PM | |
Donnerstag, November 25, 2004
so word has it,
good ol' nick,


he sent schnurr an email about that.
so what does FCO have to offer now?


btw, how ARE you guys?
if i don't hear anything,
i may just have to remove this blog.
- in the words of erics* @ 10:21 PM | |
Freitag, Oktober 29, 2004
hey guys!

Klaus Breuninger is taking over the FCO chorale next year, which means no more Maria.

good or bad?
- in the words of erics* @ 7:33 AM | |
Mittwoch, Oktober 20, 2004
man, do i miss you both.
no, really. i do.

if only you two studs were my dates for this cullum gig, cause he sure was stellar!
i have a bunch of video/audio clips at hand (that i snuck into the clubhouse) that's worth checking out. when i figure technology out, i'll post 'em clips.

i'm sorry i haven't been better with communication. i could sum up a lot of excuses, but i know that doesn't dismiss me for not writing/emailing. my bad.

hope things are better than usual.

- in the words of erics* @ 3:40 AM | |
Montag, September 20, 2004
i picked up my seven rolls of FCO prints today,
and all i gotta say is:

"Gawd, you boys sure are handsome."

my scanner is giving me problems,
but as soon as i get them uploaded i will inform y'all via email.
- in the words of erics* @ 11:24 PM | |
Mittwoch, September 15, 2004
are you still under the same address?
if not, you'll have to hook us up with the new one.

danke schoen.

p.s. guess what, boys? i'm going to see JAMIE CULLUM again! on Oct 19th! so greg, i kindly ask you, if you could send his Pointless Nostalgic through the post asap! since october is slowly creeping... i will definitely get autographs for the both of you, (if i can, that is! i could only limit myself to 2 items last time. bugger)
- in the words of erics* @ 3:19 PM | |
Dienstag, August 10, 2004
woah! i'm coming to England!

i don't know what the heck is wrong with me, but the entire time i thought i was on a direct flight to frankfurt, then stuttgart. *hits myself over the head*

i arrive London (terminal 1) on Sunday the 15th @ 10:30am, and then have 3 or so hours to kill before i board the BA 920 flight to Stuttgart. who knows! maybe i'll see you folks on the plane. what are your exact flight dates and times, boys?

- in the words of erics* @ 12:24 PM | |
Donnerstag, August 05, 2004
just giving y'all the heads up.

my flight for Stuttgart (directly) leaves August 14 at night, and i will be arriving Aug 15 @ 4:30pm. (Germany time) so i won't see you two cheeky bums in ueberlingen till dinner. whoopedo! so when are you two arriving good ole ueberland?

today will be a fun adventure downtown with my girl, tammy. we're going to shop til we drop and see if we can snatch a photo of former president Bill Clinton, since he's in Toronto today for a silly book signing. i can't believe how popular he's become in Canada. it's ridiculous.

await the asian,
for the last piece of the puzzle.

- in the words of erics* @ 10:40 AM | |
Montag, August 02, 2004
Erik, Sie gluecklicher Bastard,
Ich hoffe, dass Sie sich benehmen, waehrend mit jenem frechen Affen!

Nimmt waehrend viele Fotos, waehrend Sie vielleicht koennen!

- in the words of erics* @ 1:57 PM | |
Freitag, Juli 30, 2004
holy bejeebers...
       only 15 days left!!
sadly, the only one left on the 'other side' - *sigh*

- in the words of erics* @ 3:06 AM | |
Sonntag, Juli 25, 2004

i'm still oozing of envy.
your europe adventures begins 3 weeks earlier than mine.

- in the words of erics* @ 10:07 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2004
30 days   left till FCO GERMANY!!
- in the words of erics* @ 12:43 PM | |
Freitag, Juli 09, 2004
hey boys,

man, it is ever so great to see recent posts from you both! miss you tons, especially while cruising south to Orlando, Florida with so much time to sit and think, and be nostalgic of good times in germany. i officially survived 46 hours on the road. yes, 46. 24 one way and 22 back home. you'd think i'd be too pooped right now to think of anything but sleeping, but with my father behind the wheel the entire trip, and me, with the luxury of taking kips in the new Nissan Altima (spacious seating!) the last thing i want to do is sleep... or be anywhere near a car, really.

to sum up my week in the states: it was incredibly relaxing. my aunt-friend hooked my family up with a sweeeeeet resort in Orlando that was mind-blowing. i couldn't believe the service and how big it was. (even my camera couldn't have done it justice - check the site; those pictures DO NOT lie - it really does look like that!) i took advantage of the fitness equipment and worked out like a madman, 2 hours/1200 calories a day, resulting in the loss of 10 pounds in the past two weeks; went buck at the shopping outlets with many shirts and shindigs to sweat it out while in the scorching heat in germany; screamed and pissed my pants off while riding the roller coasters at MGM Studios in Disney World; ate some FINE american fatty foods; and picked up a thick american accent while meeting the locals in various southern states. it was awesome. erik - i have a new found love for "Chick-Fil-A". i don't know if they exist in oregon, but good god! that's SOME chicken!

anyway, surely i thought of you guys and wanted to send postcards but left my book of addresses at home (duh!).

erik: i still have to send your package (your postal service went on strike, and then UPed the prices???). definitely expect something from me before you board that plane to Germany. ;)
greg: save your money on postal fares. just pack the CDs in your luggage so that when i see you in a mere 5 weeks, you can hand it to me then. but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. you are wonderful! i await with such anticipation to hear the CDS and more importantly, see you! (and of course, that goes for you too, ya big ole Aardvark. i can't wait to soak you in that Nair, dude... hah haha)

a very TANNED sensation,
- E
- in the words of erics* @ 5:13 PM | |
Freitag, Juni 25, 2004

the JC trio takes their bow!

a lot more images to come! just hold yare horses!
erik - i'm still looking at your poster. i think i'm just going to send it raw and let you decide what you want to do with it. cheers. ;)
- in the words of erics* @ 11:10 PM | |
Mittwoch, Juni 23, 2004
Don't forget to sign the Roomate Request Form!

I've already got Andreanne and I covered.
- in the words of erics* @ 3:17 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2004
i got my FCO music today! yay!
there's no 'Mambo', but i'm sure the secular stuff will be good.

i've got things in the mail for you, so keep your eyes pealed for the mailman, or mailbox, or dog, or however your post gets directly sent to you. cheers!
- in the words of erics* @ 4:01 PM | |
Donnerstag, Juni 10, 2004
hey greg!

tell me everything you know about Yorkshire Pudding.
i was watching the end-segment of one of the cooking shows and a chef just popped out the end results of the pudding. i was sooo intrigued; it looked absolutely fabulous. so when i return from my cottage trip, i'll get right on it and have my attempts on producing the best Yorkshire pudding i know. but any tips? comments? suggestions? does it really have to be only served with meat dishes?
- in the words of erics* @ 6:49 PM | |
Dienstag, Juni 08, 2004
Hey you two!

I don't know if you noticed, but there's a wish list on the side for everyone. If things come to mind, jot it down and post any items you'd like others to bring - whether they're favours, gifts or even silly prank things. heh.. like that bobbing helmuth rilling, erik! although, i'm not sure if you actually own one of those. they're bloody expensive.

I'll likely bring a stash of special candy goods (hopefully it doesn't find its way to my mouth before it reaches yours) like the strange candy chinese people like to suck on, or those dried mangos i spoke to you about, greg, which are fantastic! hrm... can't really think of any traditional canadian trademarks other than our maple syrup, but that can get super messy in my luggage if something went wrong! :\ got any ideas? i'll hook it up.

erik - what's good in eugene? what do you have that canada doesn't? :p

greg - i sure hope you found those albums!
- in the words of erics* @ 11:27 PM | |
Sonntag, Mai 30, 2004
hey guys,
check this out:
a superb translating system ---> english | german

it even gives you vulgar words like Scheiße, Muschi, Ständer, Mösenfurz, Fotzenlicker, Bumsen... and the list goes on. i found it rather hilarious, yet informative to practice later this summer. (kidding/scherzend)

i must admit, my german is progressing ever so slowly now that i'm back home. it's been nothing but chilling and literally taking a holiday from everything.

sending my best,
- in the words of erics* @ 10:15 PM | |
Donnerstag, Mai 27, 2004

erik, i'm sorry, but i HAVE TO RUB THIS IN. jamie cullum's concert was SICKLY ILL-ROCKIN'! what an entertaining show! i'll speak more of it later, but DUDE. flying to toronto would have been TOTALLY worth your money.

greg - i thank you tremendously for giving me the heads up about Jamie to me, or else i would have missed out on such an astounding talent.

good god, i can't get over myself. it was CRAZY WHACKNESS. i absolutely loved every minute of it.

stay tuned, interesting and juicy details to follow.
i didn't quite ask him if i could be his P.R. for Canada but i sure did make myself different from the rest. heh heh heh. i'm such a goon.
- in the words of erics* @ 2:57 AM | |
Dienstag, Mai 25, 2004
this one's mine.
i called it.

- in the words of erics* @ 2:18 AM | |
Donnerstag, Mai 20, 2004
there's no escaping Germany paraphernalia in my well decorated room, seeing as how hundreds of memories captured on photo print greet me every day on my walls, frames, even on my desktop and screensaver. i literally can't stop thinking about how wonderful August/September will be.

FCO's so close, i can literally smell stuttgart from here, can you?

missing you both terribly...
- in the words of erics* @ 1:56 AM | |
Samstag, Mai 15, 2004
I saw Jamie Cullum's music video "All at Sea" on BravoTV today. it's pretty good - definitely shows a good portrait of what he's like. I have a good feeling about this concert. I've already planned what I'm gonna say to him; perhaps plug myself as his P.R. for Canada. ;) kinda like Scotty Crowe for John Mayer. that sucker gets so much publicity, it's ridic. yes, you heard right. RIDIC.
- in the words of erics* @ 6:33 PM | |
Montag, Mai 10, 2004
if you're terribly bored (like i am some mornings), try these japanese games. they're kind of feminine but sure is addictive! "ORiSINAL"

by the way,
super stoked! my bud, Clint saw my blog, and gladly agreed to take me! wow. what a day.
- in the words of erics* @ 6:32 PM | |
Sonntag, Mai 09, 2004
i'm feeling rather uneasy right now, due to school and marks.
tell me a joke, or something stupid you witnessed over the weekend.

waiting for germany...
- in the words of erics* @ 1:20 AM | |
Freitag, Mai 07, 2004
of the choices erik gave to name his nick (on the side column) i thought AARDVARK would work, but truthfully i had to look up the definition to refresh my memory. according to www.dictionary.com:

aardvark - A burrowing mammal (Orycteropus afer) of southern Africa, having a stocky, hairy body, large ears, a long tubular snout, and powerful digging claws.

i'm not sure about the long tubular snout, and the powerful digging claws but i'd say that's about right.

- in the words of erics* @ 2:14 PM | |
Donnerstag, Mai 06, 2004
glad you all found a place here! this is exciting, but i have to be careful not to neglect my own blog. worried2 it took me a while to figure out what colour scheme to use, and then i saw this sky blue and it reminded me of that blue t-shirt greg owns (which is one of my favourite colours on him) and it also gives a nice comfortable vibe to blog. like peace and solitude. anyway, if you have any other requests for this blog, for layout improvement, you know where to reach me. wink3

anyway, since the webmaster wins favour, i choose the timestamp to be set on "GMT-500 Canadian/Eastern time", so when you post, it will show up always based on my time. but if that confuses you, (when looking back on history of events) you can change the time and date on the right hand column. (hrm, i'm not sure if this applies with your MAC erik)
- in the words of erics* @ 12:58 PM | |

recognize that? i didn't know things were so close; sure didn't seem like it when we hiked those forrest hills!
- in the words of erics* @ 2:42 AM | |

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